My sweet goodness!

No meal is sweet without dessert. No shopper trip is a success without the indulgent break. Time to give in for this selection of heavenly patisseries. Sweat, happy endings are a bliss!

What consumers say & want?

  • 66% of consumers go to bars, restaurants, coffee shops at least once a week.
  • Sales of desserts in food service were up 10% the last 5 years.
  • 6 out of 10 consumers visit dessert parlour for a mid-afternoon dessert.
  • 1 in 3 wants a sweet-break any time of the day.
  • 50% orders dessert when made with quality ingredients.
  • COVID-19 crisis shows 2 trends in food prevail: eating healthy and indulging with a delicious treat now and then!

Conclusion: put quality-dessert on the menu! Because consumers have a growing appetite for quality-sweet treats!